
There is also art that is in a place where there is wonder and yet resembles black chaos – and which keeps on teasing you with all its incomprehension. It contains a richness that always makes me reflect that incomprehension is one of life’s basic conditions and that we must all carry our own and each other’s chaos. I often try to define what art is. However, it is very difficult because I keep experiencing that art does not lend itself to definition, explanation, elucidation or clarification. It is dichotomous.

When I say, for example, that art is something that is in motion, then a voice in my head tells that art is also the complete opposite, a moment frozen in time or something completely still. For me, art defines itself by always seeking its opposite. In this way it becomes so attractive, so alive, so challenging. Summing it up, I would say that for me art is that which moves me, touches me and ultimately even changes me.«