
»When I work with industrial designs there is a limit to how wild I can be. I have to be able to find a new way, a novel, surprising and preferably groundbreaking angel - but I must constantly focus on the fact that I have to reach out to others than myself. I also have to take various materials' possibilities and limitations into consideration. The product must be functional and perhaps even aim at a certain target group.

The situation is different with regard to my art. Here I can choose whatever I want. And I must draw on my emotional capital reserves each and every time.

I cannot say which of the two I prefer. It can be just as exciting to work within the confines of the design world, as it is to move freely in the artictic universe - and vice versa«.


Monica Ritterband about her partners
»I have very close contact with the people I cooperate with.Creating a product that meets their exact demands is groundbreaking and challenging.«
»I am crazy about the actual process of designing because it often includes periods in which I have to work together withvarious types of professionals and in which I benefit from their expertise.«
